Like Nexuiz, the combat is inspired by old 3D shooters, mainly Quake. It was released on 29th of April 2011 and is available on Steam for $9.99. The player takes the role of an anonymous spaceman. After crash landing on a strange alien planet and getting seperated from his crew, the player sets out to reunite with his fellow spacemen and escape the hostile alien planet. The game uses a level based structure, with some levels being completely linear and others offering a more open experience. Regardless of the level, the main goal is to get to the exit. However, some levels have other objectives that you must complete before exiting. For example, the player may be asked to destroy alien statues that jam communication equipment. While trying to complete these objectives, the player will be forced to fight a variety of enemies ranging from the local alien tribes, who use ranged weapons and shields, to hostile animals that attack mostly in melee. The player is given a variety of weapons to help combat these enemies ranging from conventional weapons such as semi-automatic and fully-automatic rifles to bouncing grenade launchers and flamethrowers.

The player will also encounter puzzles throughout the levels. These puzzles are mostly physics based and rely on the player using various tools to help remove objects that are blocking critical paths. Nexuiz is a first-person shooter by Alientrap Software.These tools include a grappling hook that can be attached to objects to pull them about and a jet pack that allows the player to reach places they wouldn't ordinarily be able to.

Processor: Dual-core processor (Intel Dual Core 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 5200+ 2.
Nexuiz system requirements software#
It is a free game: source code is free software and data is free content. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Version 1.0 was released on May 31, 2005. The current version, 2.4.2, was released on May 11, 2008. Nexuiz uses DarkPlaces, a significantly modified Quake engine.