Locations (5): Mine Yerguli (Northern Island), Muddy Mine (Kingdom - North), Crystal Mine (Kingdom - NorthWest), Mines of Klashr (Kingdom - West), Dwarfen Mine (Kingdom - East) Equipment to increase efficiency can usually be bought from the same location/university specialists can be trained in (and oddly enough multiple copies of the same book/equipemnt may be stacked together in the same location). Hint: Other specialists, mercenaries or resources may speed production. Most investments need a certain type of specialist to operate. Which is very nice, but not accesible/doable in the first phases of the game. Investments can be bought or built and bring quarterly income. Spyglass (Vane Hoz) - increases chances to avoid storms, patrols and dragons on sea.Weather forecaster (Vane Hoz) - increases chance to avoid storms.Synthesis apparatus *** (Asmor) - increases chances to repair gas leaks while air-travelling.Crossern * (Nortifore) - increases luck.Monster detector - detects monster that you can avoid.Family heirloom - sometimes you can buy it back if you sold it.A bottle of fog - may help while sea travelling.Lucky horn - may help in getting better gossip.Naval maps - expensive, but makes sea travel shorter.Worgh's medallion - protects from cart's breaking down.Woodworm powder - prevents wood from being destroyed by worms.Clothmoth powder - prevents clothes from being destroyed by moths.Desert childpecker - shows which spices are degrading.Horse enhancer - makes horses go faster.Repair kit ** - lets your wheelwright repair cars during the journey.Do it even if you maxed out, she will curse you if you do not pay. Woman** - pay her 5 trigons to say her blessing.Very useful later on when you have cargo capacity. Auction*** - you can randomly bid at an auction of another trader's wares during land-travel.Useful only when you have low-value cargo Craps** - you can randomly play craps with another trader during land-travel.Sea ship - with sea-partner - 35,000 storage.Big fridge (for large carts only) - lowers your storage capacity by 200 kg and can only be used to store Ice properly.Small fridge (for small/medium carts) - lowers your storage capacity by 100 kg and can only be used to store Ice properly.Buy one only below 2,000 (below 1,800 is great). Hill herb - Unlocked with rank 1 - Beggar.May ocassionaly be forged if you don't have a jeweler you may get tricked and lose. Unlocked with rank 4 - Registered Trader. Liquor - Unlocked with rank 5 - Citizen.Tools - Unlocked with rank 4 - Registered Trader.Clothes - Unlocked with rank 2 - Hawker.Hides - Unlocked with rank 1 - Beggar.Bring monks and more men and watch your quarterly income increase (see Investments section). Well after you first 100K, try to get a Sergeant and 30+ mercenaries and clear out ruins.Do the important quests: rank up to get access to more goods, get medallions from dark council for more discounts, get letters to avoid customs/inspections.Jump directly to 1 Large-size once you can spare 10,000 and sell the small ones (around 15k each). Invest in a second and third while increasing your social rank. Jump to deal in Spice, Jewerly and Porcelain as the best deals are there. Start with simple food/hides villages => cities.Quests yield money even if you don't trade along the way (as long as it covers the cost) so focus on that in the beginning. Don't be afraid to not buy and carry on travelling instead of taking bad deals.Avoid oil, arms, hill herb unless you know what you're doing.Read them in the Book, prepare for them and execute the plan (Price:high means you can sell there for a good price.
If you help merchants during random encounters (keep a few free mercs at hand) you may get special deals.You may find yourself lucky to get a high profit trade along the way to where something happened. Always read the random events (celebrations, flood, etc).Try to set a margin (use below figures or your own) and don't (ever) buy over that price.Most of the stuff only sells good in cities. Try to recount the prices in the last cities visited (use the tabs to see last 9 places).