Really, just poke around Epic Games’ forums for a complete list.

To earn this 100 point award, you’ll need to earn all the Onyx medals with 6,000 kills for each of the game’s weapons, while also earning MVP in competitive combat five times, snagging 1,500 enemy leaders as hostages, killing 6,000 enemies (500 rivals included), revive 1,200 allies (thankfully not all at once) and so much more.

You know how Gears of War 2 put you through hell to make you earn the Seriously 2.0 Achievement? Child’s play compared to part three. Guitar Hero Live 1000 note streak and 500k points achievements/trophies Topic Archived Product Deals X360PS3 Amazon Find this product on Amazon Newegg 234.19 Newegg 234.19 More Topics.
That’s a full seven-hour run, though some folks have earned it by having friends over for an all-night jam session. You need to run through the entire set list for the game in one run, without hitting the pause button at all. To unlock this, you’ll need to be playing a lot of Rock Band 2 – and we mean a LOT. Well, here’s the next worst thing – “Bladder of Steel”. Let’s say you’re not as talented enough to get the Guitar Hero III Achievement. Guitar Hero Live featured achievements and trophies for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and even the Wii U had in-game offline achievements that can be accessed in the Options menu. FreeStyleGames have reinvented the legendary Guitar Hero franchise, with two innovative new gameplay modes and an all-new guitar controller.