Rebuilt toolbar: Faster access to all tools and settings.Improved Shapes tool: Color fill shapes and make lines snap.New pen style: Brush Pen for artistic sketches and notes.Improved ink algorithm: More precise and natural writing experience.Optionally display documents as lists instead of thumbnails.QuickNotes: The fastest way to start taking notes.

This is incredibly useful for quickly jotting things down. One of my favorite new features is “QuickNotes.” This allows you to instantly start a new document as soon as you launch the app. The overall design of the app is “fresh and modern,” the changelog touts. There’s a new favorites view for quickly finding important documents, while the toolbar has been completely rebuilt with easier access to writing tools. GoodNotes 5 includes numerous interface enhancements, as well.
There’s also a new “global search” feature, which allows you to search handwritten notes, typed text, notebook titles, and PDF files all at once. First off, there’s a completely new folder system which allows you to create unlimited levels of folders and subfolders in the app to organize all of your notes.

GoodNotes 5 includes a handful of new features.
Rather than update the existing GoodNotes 4 application, GoodNotes developers have released a completely new version of the app: GoodNotes 5, which is available for free to existing GoodNotes 4 users. Popular note-taking and annotation app GoodNotes has received a major update this week.