Bittorrent sync not syncing
Bittorrent sync not syncing

bittorrent sync not syncing

For now, press ENTER through all of the prompts. And I also do not want the risk that I accidently delete some pictures on the server and then there are "synced" back to the pc of my GF (does not matter if I can restore them just having them magically disappear for a second is something I do have to avoid ) ) We’ll then install BitTorrent Sync, as well as nginx to add SSL encryption to our web interface later on: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install btsync nginx You will be asked quite a few questions in prompts when you attempt to install. The problem is that I only want to import pictures I do not have in my library (since it will take ages if I do import all of them every once in a while). So that her library is synced to the freenas and I have a folder which syncs them to my mac where I can manually import them. I first thought of something like bitorrent sync. Problem is the most important one ( for me at least :) ) I am trying to tackle it first.

bittorrent sync not syncing

#Bittorrent sync not syncing how to

How to I provide someone over the network access to my photolib (via freenas maybe). How do I get all photos added to a folder structure into my photos app (via freenas maybe?)Ģ. On the other hand she also wants to have sometimes specific picture I have in my photo library.ġ. Of course when she adds new photos she does not always tell me so her photo lib is not in sync with mine. The Problem is that my GF has her own photo library which is basically a well organized folder structure (on linux) where she sorts her photos in which come from her smartphone and several other cameras. I have a well organised photos (mac) library which should be the "truth" meaning this should be the place where all photos should be (since it gets backed up several times). My GF and I take a lot of pictures all the time. I am trying to solve a long existing problem and I am looking for any advice or input.

Bittorrent sync not syncing